Big Money

Big Money: A system for managed portfolio sales

Big Money is a unique product providing structured and complete answers for marketing, sales and follow-up for sales of managed portfolios. The system for the sales of managed portfolios provides professional and expert answers when the financial broker is required to fully examine the client's needs, and to make an educated choice regarding the structure of the managed portfolio that he recommends his client. This is all done according to the requirements of the regulation.
This solution, which was developed by 2Team experts, allows any broker to easily sell and explain complex issues in the world of finance. The sales story methodically includes all the stages required by the regulator and eventually, the system produces a set of forms and reports which are an inseparable and necessary part of this process.

The system includes, among other things, the characterization of the client needs, as it takes into account all his existing assets. The system calculates the risk levels that the client is willing to invest, on the one hand, and the risk level to the company, as a client holding a managed portfolio, on the other hand.

The simplicity of use, the convenient display and the logical process enable the broker and the client to go through many questions and clarifications required for this process.
Central Modules in the System for Managed Portfolio Sales
  • Characterization and clarification of the client's needs
  • Details of managed account
  • Get to know your client
  • Set of Forms
  • Back Office Interface

The system was developed based on the sales platform that is already developed and marketed by 2Team, and that consists a unified infrastructure for the sales of all current and future financial and pension products.

Here are a few applicative emphases which support the sales process conducted by the system for the sale of managed portfolios:

  • The system obliges the client signs a marketing agreement before performing any action.
  • The system methodically accompanies the sales process. Based on the client type, the appropriate questions appear and the appropriate forms are requested to be filled.
  • Before filling in the questionnaire of "clarification of client needs", the system presents the broker an explanation for the client, about the process. Closing the explanation window is a confirmation that the broker explained its contents.
  • The system monitors that the broker fills in all the required form, in all questionnaires and forms, and it also monitors the signatures of the client and the broker in all required locations.
  • Whenever the broker is required to present any disclosures, the system shows him an appropriate message.
  • All of the forms are signed both graphically and digitally using an authorized signature (supplied by a third party). All of the forms are being sent to the client, using an encrypted e-mail for maintaining his confidentiality.
  • Interfaces to other systems – transferring the data and the forms to back office systems.
Using the system enables the broker and the client to mechanically enforce the affiliation, make sure that the required fields are filled in and meet the requirements, while making things more efficient both to the broker, at the selling point, and to the brokerage house, while handling the application.
Big Money